Httpvhd:// PES 2010 El Grande Patch Update: – Fixed a lot of players,teams – Added new faces – Fixed the bug with master league (some of the teams from Italian,Spanish,American and English team moved to Others) – Fixed the bug with community mode (The Best of teams moved to Others B) – Added scoreboard – Added new cinamatic cameras – Fixed some gdb folders and added new ones – Added new teams – Added version 1.03 for the patch – Fixed callnames – Fixed menus – Added some classic adboards – Added update for chants You need first. Download Includes: Update + Fix 1 + Fix 2 + Chants + Chants update + More new Faces. patch was tested without problems on: game update with 1.3, english and DLC 1.05 (quote Ariel). CREDITS: Petar23 aka Onlineman Ariel Nightcaller3 Wolff Alan Costa Nikolakusevski Oranje88 Giovanni Buchelli Thundax SG Mare93 Gkan Darko strasni Tommsen Gigimarulla ninuzzu KINGCC Oriello SpongeBob The Red Devil.
The M Ace(ing) Classic Teams Optionfile (Special Edition 2013-03-13) As the DLC 4.0 simply destroyed the Beta 1.0 file I will release this one for you guys. You just have to create a folder PS3 - SAVEDATA and put this unzipped folder in that and copy to USB. Then just overwrite your existing edit data on the PS3. WARNING: You need to have the DLC 4.00 installed for this to work! Beware that this is just the edit data with no new.pngs, facescans or logos. Those will be availible when I release the Beta V1.1 later on! I downloaded it but it didnot apper on the game until I can copy it to the game are you sure that it works on BLES01709 1.
Have you unzipped it on your PC and copied every file to a USB? Copy to USB and go to Game Saved Data folder. Press and wait for every file to appear, it would be 542 files in the PS3 folder (including my system settings as I forgot to not include them and some replays you also can exclude if you don't want them.) Then copy all but the systemfile as it will overwrite/don't work in your game. It shall work on your BLES version as every other BLES user can use each others files no matter BLES code! 00 wow astonishing how much work you have done. Seeing work like this makes me happy I created that monster in the Ps3 save data thread haha! I wish I could rep you again, but I can't.
Do want to join me and make a Xbox 360 version of this in the future? I have tons of work to do to complete my main option file I do with Daymos on Ope on Xbox atm, but after that we can get this beauty working on the 360? Many thanks for the support and for the tools to make this both easier and funnier.
It was a tough time to motivate myself before you came up with the editor to PS3. I can say it was just what the doctor ordered as I got tons of energy of creating now Of course we can clunch our heads together and make this for Xbox in the future. The more people who gets the opportunity to play with real football players like in this file, the better! Many thanks for the support and for the tools to make this both easier and funnier.
It was a tough time to motivate myself before you came up with the editor to PS3. I can say it was just what the doctor ordered as I got tons of energy of creating now Of course we can clunch our heads together and make this for Xbox in the future. The more people who gets the opportunity to play with real football players like in this file, the better! We will do that in the future then. I will PM you when I am ready to convert it to xbox too. I will take the latest version you have out at the time.
Maybe in a few weeks I can do this. Until then keep up the great work!