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Number of items: 10779. KURNIAWAN, DANIEL (2916) S1 thesis, UAJY. RATMADI PAYUNG, FRITSWEL (2071) S1 thesis, UAJY. MAHARDIKA, DEWI AGUSTIN (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Bernard, Revi (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Eldanari, Dhevryana (2018) S2 thesis, UAJY. UKAPOKA, MODESTA (2018) S2 thesis, UAJY. Bura, Herman Franyo Alowysius Moa (2018) S2 thesis, UAJY.

Kabupung, Alrendo Satriawan (2018) S2 thesis, UAJY. RANDESALU, SERIANTO (2018) S2 thesis, UAJY. Yogiswara, Rama (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Halim, Jimmy Astrawinata (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Boleng, Yosef Piet Yakobus (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Nugroho, Valentinus Agung (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Sigalingging, Yosua Maruli (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Kill process windows. Nov 18, 2015 - I found a way using the BeforeInstall keyword and a simple Pascal function in the code section. I added a string parameter so it can be reused. Inno Setup Kill Process Before Install. [UninstallRun] sections' in Inno Setup's. The process to finish executing before. Aug 18, 2010 - In version 5.5.0 (Released on May 2012) Inno Setup added support for. Class procedure KillProcess(ProcessName: string); class procedure.

Zilco, Erick Steffano (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Siahaan, Cardo S.Tenop (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Assandry, Allysia (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Melina, Fanny (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Kentjana, Regina Kezia (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Andreyanti, Gabriella Nue Ardante (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Tjandra, Aaron Sinduartha (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. PUTRA, CHRISTIAN EKA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Dhaneswara, Viktor Anindya (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Elsavinda, Gabriella (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Gautama, Gagah Mahendra (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Tarigan, Nela Surabina Br (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Setjodiningrat, Eugenia Grizelda Noegroho (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Purba, Emia Pepayosa (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. PRAHESTI, CHIKANA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. PINERANG, ELISABETH ARWITA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Zega, Allan Julyan (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. MAYGIESTA, PRISCELLY (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. RADA, STEFANUS (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. GULTOM, HARY PESTA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Pakiding, Eka Pratiwi Briant (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. GUNARTO, ERIC (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. GUNAWAN, ALBERTUS FERRY (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. KURNIAWAN, HENGKI (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Nugroho, Franciscus Khrisna Adi (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Sulaiman, Adam (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Batubara, Alpin Roy (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. SINTAWATI, ARINDRA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Sutanto, Samuel David (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Putra, Efando Bong (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Chandra, Ricky Pieter (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Suhendra, Freddy (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Adijono, Hendra (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Sumayku, Sebastianus Lino Setia Budi (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Pereira, Sherry Claudia da Silva (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Sirait, Andreas Mikhael Auges (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY., Fransiscus (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Silitonga, Bestly (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Sihotang, Carolin Candriani (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Agung, Atanasius (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Sari, Aprilla Kurnianing Galih (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Karmila, Dewi (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. SATRIA, HIERONIMUS TETUKO GALIH (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY., Novianawati (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Saraswati, Fitria Risdiana (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Galisma, Dominikus Arya (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. SITORUS, IVAN REINHARD TOVANY PARDAMEAN (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Maharani, Olga Lintang (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Wicaksono, Alim Windriyo (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Adianto, Andry (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Utomo, Mario Prasetyo (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Jovita, Dea (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Wijaya, Septian Tanto (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Sagala, Novika Ari Maya Sari Br. (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Julianto, Alexander (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Duan, James Kristian (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Leanandra, Lucia Veka (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Haryanto, Kevin Seno (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

WULANDARI, ELVINA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. SETIAWAN, I KOMANG GAMA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. OENTARI, ALVIONITA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Juberta, Lestyka Fylindra (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Savio, Micas Maria Vilhena Aparicio (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Utomo, Priyo Dwi (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Kayantho, Dimas (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Gandhi, Raymond Indiana (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Stiarno, Danang Jaya (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. GUMILANG, MARIO FAJAR (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Daru, Jermycko Aqfara (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. THOBAN, RICHARNOT BETANASIUS (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

KRISTANTO, ADITYO WIDYA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Ada', Devy Trisnawati (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

WARDHANA, YOHANES KRISMA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Sieverino, Armando (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Reynaldo, Stefanus Rio (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. WIRATAMA, DONNY SETIA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

YAPPO, FERONIKA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Sodanango, Mateus Rikardus (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. MOLEONG, LYSY CLAUDIA (2018) S2 thesis, UAJY. Kristiantoro, Dominicus Aji (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Mardiana, Maria Arnia (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Kelbulan, Abraham Petrus Prawira (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Setiawan, Andreas Bobby (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Panjaitan, Pahothon Immanuel (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. SIMANJUNTAK, FOUR ARNY (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Adriani, Venlie (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Putra, Franciscus Mahendra Christya (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Gumawang, Hugo Masel (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Ningtyas, Detty (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Putra, Prakhas Pradana (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Permata, Eleonora Bella (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Hasugian, Rinelda Eskayanthi (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Subagiya, I Made Agung (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Anggraeni, Vicky (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Pristova, Yomas (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Radi, Fidelia Ariadne (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Fabrianne, Petra Evani (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Sepriaji, Cornelius Widi (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Fajarai, Prayogo (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Naibaho, Jenris Apul Tua (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Wulandari, Benedikta Nicky (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Mahardika, I Kadek Dwi (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Asadhanu, Eduardus Galih (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Tristanto, Jeffry Bowo (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Nalendra, Sindu (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Sulistyawan, Joditya Jonet (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Morena, Shela Shany (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Puntodewo, Anthonius Adhyaksa (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

KLAU, JEAN KORSINI ANGELINE (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Mahatama, Beda Ganesa (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Dewi, Elvina Suryani (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Widiarsa, Timotius Arief Dwi (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Papendang, Julian Claudio (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Lesmiyani, Ismeita (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Dewi, Yustina Noveriana Ratri (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Setiawan, Lucy Carlina (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Sagala, Fitriana Siska (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Mocodopis, Cristian Ruben (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Raharjo, Fanny Yunita (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Widyapsih, Disma (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Maynard, Ryan (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Windyastuti, Francisca Rita Gabriela (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Derasensiana, Maria (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Benidecta, Agatha Verina (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. AMAH, IVONY MISRIANY PUTRI (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Fransiska, Kiki Aprillia (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Tandean, Debby (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Kristijanto, Clarence Bagas Putra (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Sianipar, Feronika Megawati (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Primahard, Angella Sarah (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. RAHAYU, FLORENTINA IKA RETNO PANTI (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Rossemary, Melania Astrid (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Pratama, Laurensius Lilik Adhitya (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Ellena, Grace (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Widyaningrum, Ancilla Ribka (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. RIZKY, TRIAS SETIAWAN (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Ganis, Paquita Ayu (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. PRATIWI, MITHA AYU (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Tarigan, Claudya Caroline Br (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. GIRSANG, SIKA SAPUTRY BR (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Pratama, Stanislaus Pikatan Paksi (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. ANINDITA, DESIDERIA KANIA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.


Marroha, Adriana Vericka Lambok (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Sijabat, Theresia Wulan Sari (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. SIANIPAR, GRETEL MARLENE YOLA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Sisko, Pascal (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Febriana, Anggita (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

SALAMANANG, NOEL GILFREDO (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. FADJRIN, FADJRIN (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Pebriany, Muthia (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. USKAVELLA, HARTIANI FLANTIKA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. MANGGAPROW, BEATRIX SUSI RAHEL (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Wae, Wilibaldus (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. RAHAYU, KANUGRAHAN (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

SANTIKA, ROSSA AMANDA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Christianti, Maria (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Kusumawardhani, Lintang Asih (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Hadun, Oktaviane Lusiana (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. PASARIBU, TIRSIA PARAMITA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. UGIYATNO, MARIA FRANSISCA PRISILLYA S (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Pratama, Andhika Eka (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Putri, Anna Martha Yosatika (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Larasati, Audynita (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Saragih, Surya Auroman (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Sukatendel, Agustina Randall (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Atuna, Yupita Jevanska (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Maitimu, Marchel G (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Nainggolan, Ary Maniur (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Vanblijenburgh, Riviera Tiatira (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Manggombo, Mefi Meliyanus (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Ulukyanan, Abdias Emiliano Philips (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Pramita, Claudia Yuni (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Chandra, Cornelius Christian (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Bakkara, Santa Tiarmin (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Pustika, Anna Anindita Nur (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Ngete, Maria Emilia Meo (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Simbolon, Yolanda (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. DARMAYA, ALZENA ANSOGAR (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

HILLARY, GISCA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. WENING, CORNELIA TYAS (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Rengil, Maria Chandra Sari (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Gultom, Shanti Juita (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Hartono, Lauwrencio David (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Manurung, Delpita (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Weven, Jonathan Hendry Stevanus (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Anggarwati, Agnes Dian (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. GULTOM, JOHANNA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Sucipto, Anton Priambodo (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Mariano, Francoise Mireles (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Suliantoro, Yuniarti Wijaya (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Wikhesumaningtyas, Emmilia Yekti (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. SANUSI, MEGA CHRISTINA DEWI (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.


Ambaho, Trifona (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. TONAPA, ABSI (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. ADHIGUNA, BONTHANG ALFA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. RUGE, STEVI SURYANINGSI (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Manalu, Chrisyan (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Cibro, Bobby Ignatius (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Purba, Christofer Pandapotan (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Bagaskara, Alexander Andung (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. SETIADI, CHANDRA WIJAYA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. SARIRA, MELITA KURNIA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Lukas, Nicolus Stefen (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Sugianto, Nikolas Mario (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. TRISNOSAPUTRA, RICHARD (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Batoteda, Ignasius Kurniawan (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. OKIE, DUSTIN (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Yuningsih, Mariesta Rahmah (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. KAKA, FLORENSIA RUMARIA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. PALITTIN, VINI ADELINE ARKA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

ASTUTI, AGNES SARI DIAH (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. PERDANA, TITUS DWI (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. WIBOWO, AGENG (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. GRAHMA, YUSUF (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

SAMPE, FANRIYANTO (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. GAYATRI, RATIH PUTRI (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

WENING, KIDUNG JAGAD (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. PRAKOSO, BINTANG PADU (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. WIJAYA, FELIX ANDHIKA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. SETIYAWAN, DENI (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. PUTRATAMA, JEFRY (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

WIJADI, JENIFER YOAN (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. NATALIE, JAP YOVITA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Prasetya, I Gusti Agung Yoga (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. TANDEAN, EVANDER (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

SEBASTIAN, HENDY (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Pulupina, Ernesto Dhoninho (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

SONGTIANA, CHYNTIA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. SILALAHI, PUTRI SION (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. ROMBE, ALFIAN (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Rahael, Gress Windi (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. HARYANTO, RICKY DWI (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. WALUVI, VALERIA RIAN (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. LAVEDA, CORNELIA VERINA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Sugiartha, I Putu Dede (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Komala, Ignasius (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

WARDANI, SARI (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Hartopo, Dani (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. RUPILU, MOSHE MARKHASI (2018) S2 thesis, UAJY.

PRAYOGO, SIGIT (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. SANTOSO, TRY WAHYU ANDI (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. JORI, JEREMY DESMOND (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

WIDAGDO, ALBERTUS PANDU (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Septianawati, Bernadetha (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. HENDRYANTI, ALBERTA JESSICA AYUNDITYA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. CANTIK, BELLA KOES PAULINA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Katulistiwa, I Nyoman Adi Nugraha (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

HERYAWAN, TOMMY (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. VIVIANDA, VENNY (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. RATNASARI, FENNY NATALIA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Ruimassa, Marshalino Artland (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Pertiwi, Retnaning Aji (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. PALANGAN, CITRA YAYU’ (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Purba, Billy Nataniel (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY., Aldwin (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

S, Cesilia Hotnida P (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Anugerah, Rahel Frida (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Joanita, Joanita (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. PERWIRA, NICOLAUS DIKA YUDA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. KAYADU, KORNELLIUS YOPETHER (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

CAHYANA, PURBO (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. JUNNA, ISRA (2018) S2 thesis, UAJY. Yumiko, Beathrine (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Haryanto, Yovita (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Soarubun, Jennifer Morensiana (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Libriesta, Nicolaus (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Ninditasari, Anggi (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Franklyn, Bonifasius Donny (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Rosita, Herviera (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Sahu, Maria Alberthasari (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Saktyari, Leonardus Adi (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Sipayung, Monika Eva Sari (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Indrayani, Ni Putu Emy (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Yudiman, Fadli Maula (2018) S2 thesis, UAJY. Purbandrini, Lokyta (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Sinaga, Amridho Agatho (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Radiktya, Immanuel Agung Yoga (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Frankie Christian, Frankie (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. AL-Maqtari, Abdullah Abdulraoof Taha (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.


Oktavianus Eko Prasetyo, Oktavianus Eko (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Putra, I Wayan Gede Darma (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Tarigan, Carolina Rasita Putri (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Puspitasari, Maria Clara (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Trianto, Bagus (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Mulyono, Yusuf Joko (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Wibowo, Jati (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

PRATIWI, LENY (2018) S2 thesis, UAJY. RAKASIWI, RIZERIUS GALIH (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Vedasiwi, Ignatia Lili (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. RAHARJO, DITO (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Satya, Genggam (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Patria, Bagus Krishna (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Kurniawan, Holiness Happy (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. PURHARYONO, YOSEP (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. PANGASTUTI, WULAN DIAN (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. ZEBUA, EKAPUTRA SITARO (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Walukow, Priskila Checilia (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Hasugian, Rinelda Eskayanthi (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Permata, Eleonora Bella (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Putra, Prakhas Pradana (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Ningtyas, Detty (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Gumawang, Hugo Masel (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Putra, Franciscus Mahendra Christya (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Adriani, Venlie (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. SIMANJUNTAK, FOUR ARNY (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Panjaitan, Pahothon Immanuel (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Setiawan, Andreas Bobby (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Kelbulan, Abraham Petrus Prawira (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

TYAS, HANAFI HARAHAYUNING (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Febriana, Isabella Diza (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Gabriel, Michoel (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.


Fajarai, Prayogo (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Sepriaji, Cornelius Widi (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Radi, Fidelia Ariadne (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Pristova, Yomas (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Subagiya, I Made Agung (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Anggraeni, Vicky (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. TELAUMBANUA, DEBBY ANGELINA KRISTIYANTI (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Giovanni Christyorini, Giovanni (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Ranggu, Liberius (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. DALIPANG, MULIONO (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. FONATABA, ABRAHAM (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Mayantya, Pasthika Dirda (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Prakosa, Ocky Damar Putra (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Tedy, Tedy (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

SEPTRIONA, YUSTINA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Paramasatya, Johan (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. PUSPITA, MARIA INDAH (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. HARIYANTO, RICKY (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Tjandrawira, Christina (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Marpaung, Bella Anita (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Francisco, Maria Angelina (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Telaahan Staf Penyempurnaan Apbd

ZEGA, ALLAN JULYAN (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. DE MEY, STANISLAUS BHAGASWARA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. SEPUTRA, SETIADJI KARUNIAWAN (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Pongo, Maria Trisnawati (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Damayanti, Gabriella Risma (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Dhiannita, Melati (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

SEKARWATI, DYAH AYU (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. APSARI, MILDIANA WIDI (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Dinata, Yehu Perwira Puspa (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. PRANOTO, ANDREAS HERMAWAN (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. SANTOSO, MIKHAEL DIASTAMA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Sudharman, Paulina (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. YUFITA, YUFITA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

SOUHUWAT, YOANDLI (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. TAKARBESSY, KRISTINA MERCI SUSANTI (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. RUSLI, ELLISA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. GIRIWORO, GONGSOR (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Wuwur, Ignasitius Laga (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

ADITYA, RENZA CHENDRA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. TANDIO, ELSA ELSERRA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. KURNIAWAN, GURUH ADHI (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Saputra, Rodi Eka (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Amori, Francisca Dian (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. BOENTORO, MICHAEL THEODORE (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. BAKRI, MUHAMMAD ADE SETIAWAN (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Lasut, Gabby Helen Maharani (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. THEOPUSPITASARI, THERESIA LU (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

SIREGAR, ANTON PANGIHUTAN (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. SAIRO, WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Loyla, Florentinus Owen (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.


ADIATMA, FEBRY (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. CHAN, KENNY (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. ROZI, FAHRUR (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. DOSI, YOSEF VINCENTIUS EMBU (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. ADRIANI S., KATHERINE (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.


Dananjaya, Titus Abimanyu (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. RAHAYU, WIDI MURTI (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

PRABOWO, CHRISTOPHORUS HASTO (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Saputro, Galih Eko (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Hasan, Prayogo Ilham (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. GOLOM, CHRISTIAN BETADEUS (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. HASTUNGKORO, BONIFATIUS JIMMY ARDHIKA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.


Permena, Yudistira Bagus (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. MAKALEW, INDRA RANDO (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Ciando, Fransisca Romana Retwina Vicky (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. YUANITA, KETUT MIRNA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. JUNIOR, OKTA PRADAMA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Ligo, Ivana Carynthia (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Trisnaningrum, Henrika Hastayu Saras (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. INDRAWAN, I WAYAN GEDE WISNU (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Kharisma, Rima (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Dewi, Anggraini (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Contoh Format Telaahan Staf

Herdhani, Desi Chrisanty (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Pertadima, Irfan (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Gemilang, Arka (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.


KINSALE, BILLY GRAHAM (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Febrianto, Christian Aditya (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Billivani, Argi Christian (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. Manubawa, Felice Drestanta (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. WARDANA, WISNU WANGSA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Sugondo, Herman Yoseph Wirananda (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. ORLANDO, ADITYA DAVID (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. PRAING, ROBINSON UMBU NDAMI PINDI (2018) EngD thesis, UAJY. Setyantika, Yulia Evalina Lopez (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. DEVANTI, ANNA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY.

Makalew, Shanne Yunita Weanne Triyanti (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. ADI, DWI CAHYO (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. WARDHANI, BONITA KUSUMA (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. NUGRAHENI, MARIA ASUMPTA RISKA PUTRI (2018) S1 thesis, UAJY. PUSPITARATRI, VALENTINA FEBI.

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