St Dupont Lighter Serial Number 4fk12j8

Posted on  by  admin

Lovely lighter! There are a bevy of S.T Dupont lighter fakes out there. It seems the only true way to tell if one is a fake is the look of the Serial numbers. The numbers should not be aligned. Each number is hand stamped separately. Somewhere I read that if one calls Dupont and give them the serial number, they will tell you if it is real or fake.

Serial Number Check

St Dupont Lighter Serial Number 4fk12j8

No one seems to know of an online site of Dupont serial numbers for dating purposes. From what I can see of your serial numbers, they don't look perfectly align and definitely not evenly spaced - the real deal. 'The only true way to know that I'm aware of is this: The serial number on a real Dupont lighter is hand stamped, number by number and so the numbers will not be perfectly aligned. That is, each number will be slightly out of line with the others (or at least some of them will be).

Most fakes are machine made and so the numbers/letters are perfectly spaced and aligned as if done by machine.' Here a little something on trying to determine the age of one: - Susan. Emco msi package builder professional keygen crack.

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