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Copy Page URL to Clipboard Page URL Copied to Clipboard. A Sufi song originally from the album 'Kailasa - Chanandan Mein.' The lyrics were written by Kailash Kher when his father passed away.
Singer - Kailash Kher Film/Album - Kailasa Chaandan Mein Original Composers - Kailasa Lyricist - Kailash Kher Song Company - Sony BMG Genre - Sufi/Hindustani Fusion Guest Musicians: KAILASA BAND: Paresh Kamath - Guitar, Naresh Kamath -Bass, Vinayak - Drums, Sanketh Athale - Percussion, Sankarshan Kini - Acoustic Guitar, Sameer Chiplunkar - Keyboard, Tejasavi Rao - Sound Engineer, Tapas - Mandolin Language: Hindi Music conceived and created by Leslie Lewis. The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE: KO) is a total beverage company, offering over 500 brands in more than 200 countries. In addition to the company’s Coca-Cola brands, our portfolio includes some of the world’s most valuable beverage brands, such as AdeS soy-based beverages, Ayataka green tea, Dasani waters, Del Valle juices and nectars, Fanta, Georgia coffee, Gold Peak teas and coffees, Honest Tea, innocent smoothies and juices, Minute Maid juices, Powerade sports drinks, Simply juices, smartwater, Sprite, vitaminwater and ZICO coconut water.
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