In the post I have already discussed how JDBCTemplate can be used for inserting and updating data in the DB. I left behind the part to read from Database using Select query. Purpose for doing that is to discuss in detail the callback part of the JDBCTemplate. This post shows how to use Select query using JDBCTemplate in Spring framework and also talks about the callback methods in detail. In the post it has been discussed in detail how Spring framework provides templates to manage the fixed part and uses call back to handle the variable part. Fetching data from DB using select query has, as usual, the fixed part like getting connection, cleaning up, handling exception but at the same time Spring framework does need help to map the fetched data to the model. That’s where callback comes into picture.
In this post Apache DBCP is used for providing pooled datasource and MYSQL is used as the back end. Technologies used. Spring 5.0.4.
Apache DBCP2. MYSQL 5.1.39.
Java 8. Apache Maven 3.3.3 Maven dependencies If you are using maven then you can provide dependencies in your pom.xml. Refer to see how to set up Maven project. With all the dependencies your pom.xml should look something like this.
For methods invoked using the beanRef (or bean) DSL command, Fuse Mediation Router provides a powerful set of annotations for binding the exchange to the method parameters. In this example, the parameters are annotated using the @XPath annotation, so that the result of the XPath expression is injected into the corresponding parameter. Index of psp games download iso cso. For example, the first XPath expression, /transaction/transfer/receiver/text, selects the contents of the receiver XML element from the body of the exchange's In message and injects them into the name parameter. Likewise, the contents of the amount element are injected into the amount parameter. The JdbcTemplate.queryForInt method returns the current balance of the name account. For details about using JdbcTemplate to make database queries, see.
The JdbcTemplate.update method updates the balance of the name account, adding the specified amount of money. For details about using JdbcTemplate to make database updates, see. The parameters of the debit method are also bound to the exchange using annotations. In this case, however, the name of the account is bound to the sender XML element in the In message. There is a fixed debit limit of 100. Amounts greater than this will trigger an IllegalArgument exception.
This feature is useful, if you want to trigger a rollback to test a transaction example. If the balance of the account would go below zero after debiting, abort the transaction by calling the IllegalArgumentException exception.