No Recognizer Is Installed C#

Posted on  by  admin

Frank Lopez 28-Oct-15 6:21 28-Oct-15 6:21 Hello Patrick, i talked with you before and your help worked out great for me thanks! Now im on one of my final aspect of getting this Program to run good, as you can see below i posted a snip it of the code in question. Do you see how it says 'switch'? Well at the moment i can only press 1 or 2 and respectfully either of those functions will be executed such as RecognizeSpeechAndMakeSureTheComputerSpeaksToYou or SpeechRecognitionWithChoices and then if i want to go to the other function i will be forced to restart the program in order to select the other choice. My question is how can i switch without restarting? Can what type of code should i input in the below code to allow me to still use the switch (keychar) to break case?

No Recognizer Is Installed C#

Within that case? SpeechSynthesizer speechSynthesizer = new SpeechSynthesizer; manualResetEvent = new ManualResetEvent( false); Console.WriteLine( ' C O N S T R U C T'); ConsoleKeyInfo pressedKey = Console.ReadKey( true); char keychar = pressedKey.KeyChar; switch (keychar) case ' 1': speechSynthesizer.Speak( ' Project Name?' ); RecognizeSpeechAndMakeSureTheComputerSpeaksToYou; speechSynthesizer.Dispose; Console.ReadKey( true); break; case ' 2': SpeechRecognitionWithChoices; speechSynthesizer.Speak( ' Choice and GrammarBuilderd'); speechSynthesizer.Dispose; Console.WriteLine( ' Press any key to continue.'

); Console.ReadKey( true); break.

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No recognizer is installed

Maybe this isn't the right place to post it, but i was making this c# program and trying to figure out the speech recognition class API whatever you call it but when i tested my program i got this error, i looked around the web and as far as i've heard all vista operating systems should have it installed already but somehow i don't. Also in the Speech recognition tab in control panel i only see text to speech, not anything relating to speech recognition. It may be a code problem though so i am posting my code anyway.

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