I want to parse teh content of the text file which is in the below format example of text file data key1:value1 key2:value2 key3:value3 Now I want the above content to be parsed with the key-value format and make an xml file from this text file. Example of xml file data (I want this type of format) value1 vaue2 value3 This should either be done thorough a script file in windows or command prompt.
Could you please ant one have a better idea how to solve on this issue or could you please provide me a example code or link of tutorials?
File extension.TXT,.TEXT Category Description TXT format is the simplest text file standard that doesn’t support formatting. Such file contains text characters, tab and line feed characters. Being outdated in functionality it has one major advantage - compact file size, comfortable for sharing, data export/import.
It supports various charsets (DOS, WIN, ISO, KOI-8). The charset can be changed to make TXT file compatible with any text reader. The lack of formatting is solved by setting up format params in the reader program. Associated programs Notepad TextEdit WordPad Developed by Various MIME type Useful links.