Anoice The Black Rain Rar

Posted on  by  admin

28980684 Well, we're basically done, so it's whatever now. But let me tell you: I put work into my sharethreads so that I may take pride in them, and so I may enjoy sharing, and gorespammer ruins that, and you're a spiteful wench for trying to ruin my night too. I really wonder: how miserable must you be that you can't refrain from being rude in my thread every time I make one, because apparently there isn't enough drake in it for you? And then, when we ignore you, you go out of your way to ruin the thread anyways? What climbed up your ass? Ancient Astronauts - We Are to Answer sludge, the second part of neal morse's concept album about his relationship with christianity. Yes, it is indeed a very christian album lyrically, but it didn't convert me.

What it did was show me some of the best progressive rock sludge i've heard this year. This is on par with neal-era spock's beard and with portnoy's great drum work, you can easily hear the influence of transatlantic too.

Alice The Black Alley


This man is a prog god, no pun intended

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